Images from Fred's Installation, StreetArt and Image project:
Brieden: A State Of Mind
Alterpreconsistancy | ˈôltərˌprēˈkənˈsɪstansi| (also -tant|) noun ( pl. -cies)
Bob and Roberta Smith and the LCCA present,
in collaboration with I.D.E.A.London at the ICA:
Sunday 5th June 12 – 10.00 pm
ICA The Mall, London, SW1
Bob & Roberta Smith
There will be activities throughout the building all day including:
Charlotte Young – Public crits. on LCCA artists’ work
The Centre for Pharmaceutical Arts.
Optimising Art Opportunities
Artists Signing table, get your own personally
signed ‘work of art’
Tipos Moviles: A poster based project by Jaime Gili
and Fundacion la Llama with works by 14 UK artists
Die Kunst, Victor Mount, Bob Smith, Rust Bucket and The Bleeps, Performances after 7:30pm
And much, much more!
Artists include:
Bob & Roberta Smith, Beth Collar, Charlotte Young, Daniel Shaw-Town,
Dennis Walker, Fred Lindberg, Gregory Sodergren, Jaime Gili,
Jon Klein, Matthew Johnstone, Mike Dawson, Remy La Mont, Victor Mount