Thursday, November 23, 2006

SHIT TV now on Greylodge.

Shit TV with Charlotte Young and Fred Lindberg can now also be found on Greylodge.
Greylodge is the sister website to UBU
both of which are fantastic sources of 'outsider' information.
Thanks Greylodge!
Also - Shit TV transcripts! Very funny. Almost like Harold Pinter if he was into scatology...
Read about our adventures in the art world

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fred piece shown at Liverpool Independents Biennial 2006.

Art work from the Fred/Peace series exhibited at The Projection Gallery as a part of the Liverpool Independents Biennial 2006.
Fred also performed and showed SHIT TV with the artist Charlotte Young at the Biennial.

Two mounted Photostats in double sided frame.
Revealed side: extraction from Swedish/ English dictionary.
Other side: The Alterpreconsistant Manifesto


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Cultural Magazine: Creaturmag publishes work by Fred

Image of Fred's work "communication" published in Issue 5, Lost and Found.

Within issue 5 we aim to consider this in relation to the theme “lost and found”. What have we discovered through noticing? What do we lose by not noticing? Why do some notice and others ignore and discard? Is our society losing awareness or do we live in a cluttered culture where with so many 'things' we are simply becoming ignorant?

We hope you enjoy the show...



Saturday, August 12, 2006

Extraction of REVIEW by Alison Carter regarding Fred's work.

REVIEW by Alison Carter

The (deviant) ART Festival

Pumphuset Gallery, Trollhättan, Sweden. 14 – 23 July 2006.

"In the video installation ‘In Search of the Miraculous II’, Fred Lindberg stands by a canal in the dark and then sets fire to his jacket, which catches and flares in the night. He waits until it’s burning steadily, and then carefully removes it, together with his shirt, trousers and underwear and adds them to the pyre. Naked, he dives into the blackness of the water, and does not re-surface. The piece pays homage to Bas Jan Ader, the Dutch artist whose own disappearance became – intentionally or not – part of his work. Another piece, ‘Artist Feals Fat’ (sic), is a series of photos documenting himself cutting the word FAT into his stomach with a blade. There is, needless to say, barely a spare centimetre of flesh on Lindberg’s torso – and certainly no fat. He revels in provocation, and is prepared to test himself to physical limits with wit –despite some quirky spelling."

This is an extraction of the review, read the whole piece at:

Add posted in the paper as a part of the "Fat" piece.

"Artist is feeling fat and wants to trade all his artworks in his possession for a liposuction.
Call for agreement.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Channel 4 News report on The (deviant) Art Festival 2006.

Channel 4 coverage of the first annual international artshow in Sweden Trollhättan named The (deviant) Art Festival. This event is curated and organized by the two artists Joanna Ageborn and Fred Lindberg. Year one of the festival contained more than 30 international artists who came to Sweden to perform or show their art.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mr F Lindberg Curates show in Hackney: NAUSEA

Fred Lindberg organizes and curates exhibition at The Round Chapel Culture Center in Hackney, London. The show named "NAUSEA" after Sean Paul Sartre's book showcases more than 70 London based artist. Each artist makes an artwork inspired by one or more chosen pages from the book and at the exhibition you can follow the pages as artworks from the begining to end. All artworks are A4 size in various tecniques.
Above: Two of the exhibited artworks made by Fredrik Lindberg.