REVIEW by Alison Carter
The (deviant) ART Festival
Pumphuset Gallery,"In the video installation ‘In Search of the Miraculous II’, Fred Lindberg stands by a canal in the dark and then sets fire to his jacket, which catches and flares in the night. He waits until it’s burning steadily, and then carefully removes it, together with his shirt, trousers and underwear and adds them to the pyre. Naked, he dives into the blackness of the water, and does not re-surface. The piece pays homage to Bas Jan Ader, the Dutch artist whose own disappearance became – intentionally or not – part of his work. Another piece, ‘Artist Feals Fat’ (sic), is a series of photos documenting himself cutting the word FAT into his stomach with a blade. There is, needless to say, barely a spare centimetre of flesh on Lindberg’s torso – and certainly no fat. He revels in provocation, and is prepared to test himself to physical limits with wit –despite some quirky spelling."
This is an extraction of the review, read the whole piece at:

Add posted in the paper as a part of the "Fat" piece.
"Artist is feeling fat and wants to trade all his artworks in his possession for a liposuction.
Call for agreement.