Exhibition opening 4 October:
The World Turned Upside Down
Buster Keaton, Sculpture and the Absurd
Presenting work by Bas Jan Ader, Angus Braithwaite amd Fred Lindberg, Alexandre da Cunha, Simon Faithfull, Peter Fischli David Weiss, Brian Griffiths, Emma Hart, Jeppe Hein, Tehching Hsieh, Sofia Hultén, Gordon Matta-Clark, Hayley Newman, Miranda Pennell, Ruth Proctor, Roman Signer, William Wegman, Richard Wentworth, Richard Wilson, John Wood and Paul Harrison, Ben Woodeson and Erwin Wurm
Featuring selected films by Buster Keaton
With scheduled performances by Angus Braithwaite and Fred Lindberg, Jefford Horrigan, William Hunt and Ruth Proctor
For details go to www.meadgallery.co.uk